What to Know About Sage Intacct Import Templates

Would it surprise you to learn that more than half of all U.S. businesses use Excel as their primary budgeting and accounting tool? If your company counts itself in that half, don’t worry, we’re not here to try to talk you out of your spreadsheets (unless you want us to!). However, we are here to tell you about a better way to incorporate your spreadsheet data into Sage Intacct. If you’re not yet familiar with Sage Intacct Import Templates, here’s a primer.
For an in-depth look at the power of this feature, watch the on-demand webinar: Increase Efficiency with Sage Intacct Import Templates.
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What are Sage Intacct Import Templates?
Think of Sage Intacct Import Templates as documents that serve to map external data into Sage Intacct. In other words, the template tells Sage Intacct where to put the incoming data.
The software comes with a number of templates that allow you to import data like masterfiles, transactions, or budgets. The beauty of the templates is that they are easy to use. You don’t have to know any coding or even make certain that your original file is in an exact format.
The templates look and behave much like an Excel spreadsheet—essentially anything you can do in Excel you can do in a template. For example, you could link to other files and workbooks and include formulas. The templates work quickly—imports usually take just a few seconds or minutes. You even have the option to process larger imports offline, taking advantage of Sage Intacct server space and resources so you can move on with other tasks.
How Do I Use Sage Intacct Import Templates?
To use the import templates, your data will need to be contained in a CSV (comma-separated value) file. This is a common file type that most programs (including Excel) can export to. We see clients using the templates to import from a variety of sources, including these options:
- Legacy data sharing: As companies transition from a legacy application or an entry-level application to Sage Intacct, there may be a crossover period when you’re maintaining both applications. The import templates can be useful in this case, allowing you to bring QuickBooks transactions, for example, into Sage Intacct.
- Budgeting: Excel is widely used for budgeting tasks. The Sage Intacct import templates speed and simplify the process of updating Sage Intacct with the results of your Excel budgeting efforts.
- Credit card data: Most financial applications can supply a CSV file containing your credit card transactions, and the templates are a fast way to bring in that data.
- Routine data updates: Let’s say one of your sales reps leaves the company. You want to update the customer records that reference the old rep’s name with the new rep’s name. Import templates are the ideal tool for the job.
Join Us for a Webinar to Learn More
Once you gain confidence with Sage Intacct Import Templates, you’ll find many ways to use them. We invite you to attend our webinar: Increase Efficiency with Sage Intacct Import Templates. We’ll take you through importing data using the journal entry template. You’ll learn tips and tricks for using the templates most effectively – and we’ll answer your questions about the import process. We hope to see you then! In the meantime, if you have questions, contact us.