Sage COVID-19 Webinar Series: Anticipating the Balance of 2020 – Scenarios Exploring COVID-19

Please join us as we share and explore Kantar’s scenarios for how the U.S. marketplace will unfold over the balance of 2020.


This is a unique perspective, as it lays out a crystal-clear view about what to expect with COVID-19. Our goal is to provide you with a complete perspective on the tumult shaping 2020.

Our thesis is simple: there will be a moment very soon when you and your colleagues move from gathering information and being reactive to being proactive and planning. To that end, we have created scenarios for the next 9-12 months that provide a structured view into where this could net out. These scenarios are rooted in our Futures Thinking, which has been a part of our business for decades.

Join Senior Partner Don Abraham as he explores scenarios to guide your planning as we move from trying to understand our new reality to anticipating what the future will bring.