6 Ways Sage ERP Hosting Closes the IT Resource Gap

The effects of the pandemic have widened an already massive gap between open IT positions and qualified candidates. As a result, it’s more difficult than ever for companies to find and retain skilled personnel. In response, many enterprises are turning towards outsourcing as a viable solution — with over a third of businesses now relying on external resources for at least some portion of their network operations. Hosting your Sage ERP application through outside services can be especially beneficial when limited internal IT teams need help staying afloat while continuing other technology initiatives. Below we explore six ways hosted ERP helps make that possible.
1. Clean Division of Labor
When outsourcing your technology, it can be unclear who is responsible for certain tasks, which leaves you in a grey area. Having a Cloud Services Provider (CSP) to guide and support the process helps to ensure that no task falls through the cracks.
With Cloud at Work hosted ERP you get a clean division of labor. In other words, they take care of all tasks related to hosting your Sage ERP so that there are never any grey areas. In fact, Cloud at Work is the most experienced cloud hosting provider for Sage applications in the US. Plus, you and your Sage partner have one point of contact for everything related to your ERP system.
2. Accessible and Secure
The pandemic has made one truth abundantly clear—easy remote access to ERP systems is a must. Unfortunately, this proved an obstacle for many companies whose IT teams had trouble providing secure, reliable, and fast remote access.
Cloud at Work’s Hosted ERP model makes it easy to work from anywhere. Provide secure, fast, SaaS-like access to your Sage ERP system for your remote staff. Above all, this gives your team the ultimate flexibility when it comes to collaborating and getting things done.
3. Team of Specialized Experts
Your IT team works hard to ensure your technology infrastructure runs like a well-oiled machine. However, few companies can afford an entire group of specialized IT experts.
By tapping into Cloud at Work’s experience with Sage ERP and cloud technology, you unlock a powerful combination of expertise. With their dedicated teams supporting your business needs, no other solution offers the same level of confidence as Cloud at Work.
4. Keeping Sage ERP Up to Date
Maintaining your Sage ERP system can be a daunting task — with constant monitoring, updates, patches, and fixes continuously rolling in. For busy IT teams this means those much-needed upgrades often get pushed down the priority list.
Cloud at Work provides comprehensive outsourced Sage hosting to ensure your cloud infrastructure is always up-to-date. Our support services are on hand to help your team and Sage partner with training, mentoring, and upgrades — all designed with one goal: to keep your business running smoothly!
5. Exceptional Security
Your company relies heavily on Sage ERP, and its security is a top priority. Unfortunately, IT infrastructures in the modern age are intricate and subject to cybersecurity attacks — making it increasingly difficult for your technology personnel to stay one step ahead of potential threats without the skills and training to prevent them.
Cloud at Work provides the ultimate assurance that your production environment is fully secure and monitored around-the-clock. With 99.99% uptime and hourly backup snapshots — plus disaster recovery — you can rest easy knowing there’s a plan for if something goes wrong.
6. Built-In Scalability
When Sage ERP is installed on your local server, accessed through your local area network, hardware limitations mean you could be working at suboptimal levels. In the event that you need more storage or improved speed, you’ll need to make a sizeable, disruptive investment.
Cloud at Work unlocks powerful scalability for your Sage ERP with near infinite resources, innovative technology, and ever increasing capacity. So you no longer have to worry about the operating environment; scalability is built in.
Is Outsourcing Sage ERP Hosting Right for You?
For small and mid-sized companies alike, outsourcing the hosting of your Sage ERP to a cloud hosting provider is an easy decision with tremendous upside. End the IT burden of maintaining and troubleshooting your Sage software, while providing strong security, maximum scalability for growing needs, and peace of mind of knowing you’re in good hands.
At MicroAccounting we work in partnership with Cloud at Work cloud hosting to scale your solution to fit your specific needs and business processes. Watch the on-demand webinar: Cloud Hosting for Sage 100 to learn more. Contact us any time to discuss your options for moving Sage 100 to the Cloud.